Why Control and Eradicate Non-Native and/or Invasive Species?
In its simplest term, a weed can be defined as an “unwanted” plant. Native, non-native, invasive, annuals, bi-annuals, short-lived perennials, and long-lived- rhizomatous, – difficult- to- eradicate- and- spreads- like- wildfire- I- want- to- scream- perennials. What about the mint (Mentha species) in my vegetable garden, beautiful purple garden phlox (Phlox paniculata) that blooms in my wooded area early in the summer, or that gorgeous burning bush (Euonymus alatus) that turns a deep red in the autumn? Yes, depending on where these plants are located, and who you speak to, those can be considered weeds.
Weeds are adapted to many different habitats and can thrive in poor soils. They are found everywhere: roadsides, natural areas, parks, turf-lawns, and even the smallest cracks in your driveway! Some are considered aesthetically pleasing and desirable garden prizes. There certainly is a place for these exotic plants in our yards and public areas, including your grandmother’s hydrangeas. It becomes an issue however, when non-native plants escape and migrate into our woodlands, wetlands, and grasslands. They compete against plants native to our ecosystems and when management is lacking, non-native species soon dominate the landscape.
This is bad news for everyone, especially for our native insects and pollinators who are not typically attracted to invasive plants. Native insects are a large part of the ecological food chain. Birds, reptiles, mammals typically rely on them for food and other critical relationships. Mammals of the human variety are not excluded here; pollinators provide free pollination for our home vegetable gardens and crops!
When it comes down to it, the loss of native plant diversity will lead to the loss of our native fauna, and the overall health of our ecosystem’s declines. W2W can help reverse this process, fight the weed battle for you, and reinstate native plants. Depending on the size and scale of your weed invasion and the time of year, our plant experts will come up with a plan and ensure careful execution to minimize harm to desirable native plants and the environment. Some of the methods we utilize include:
- Spot herbicide application
- Hand-wicking
- Selective or large-scale mowing
- Hand cutting seed heads
- Hand-pulling weeds