Irie Farms Restoration - Bee Haven

Located in Crete, Will County, Illinois, Irie Farms is owned by Bee Haven, a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating and preserving pollinator habitat for bees, butterflies, birds, and bats across southern Chicagoland and Illinois. In 2021, Woods to Wetlands, LLC (W2W) partnered with Bee Haven to help with developing a long-term management plan and with the restoration of the natural areas at Irie Farms, which include a five-acre remnant oak hickory woodland, four acres of restored prairie, and various wetland habitats.

During 2022, W2W executed the management plan and led restoration efforts at Irie Farms. W2W staff ecologists conducted spot herbicide treatments on non-native woody re-spouts, undesirable woody seedlings, and herbaceous weeds throughout the natural areas. Target species include honeysuckle species, common buckthorn, teasel, reed canary grass, thistle species, birds foot trefoil, sweet clover, and others. Additionally, W2W initiated prescription burns at Irie Farms in the autumn.

Other involvement with Bee Haven includes the planning and installation of a native prairie garden in Mokena, Illinois, and preparing native prairie garden and pollinator bed designs for a property located in Burnham, Illinois. Ongoing stewardship work and several other projects are planned for 2023.

Irie Farms Restoration - Bee Haven

Located in Crete, Will County, Illinois, Irie Farms is owned by Bee Haven, a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating and preserving pollinator habitat for bees, butterflies, birds, and bats across southern Chicagoland and Illinois. In 2021, Woods to Wetlands, LLC (W2W) partnered with Bee Haven to help with developing a long-term management plan and with the restoration of the natural areas at Irie Farms, which include a five-acre remnant oak hickory woodland, four acres of restored prairie, and various wetland habitats.

During 2022, W2W executed the management plan and led restoration efforts at Irie Farms. W2W staff ecologists conducted spot herbicide treatments on non-native woody re-spouts, undesirable woody seedlings, and herbaceous weeds throughout the natural areas. Target species include honeysuckle species, common buckthorn, teasel, reed canary grass, thistle species, birds foot trefoil, sweet clover, and others. Additionally, W2W initiated prescription burns at Irie Farms in the autumn.

Other involvement with Bee Haven includes the planning and installation of a native prairie garden in Mokena, Illinois, and preparing native prairie garden and pollinator bed designs for a property located in Burnham, Illinois. Ongoing stewardship work and several other projects are planned for 2023.

...preserving and restoring the ecological health of our landscapes from woods to wetlands...

...preserving and restoring the ecological health of our landscapes from woods to wetlands...

...preserving and restoring the ecological health of our landscapes from woods to wetlands...

Woods to Wetlands, LLC

Streamwood, IL 60107

(224) 642-8708

Copyright 2023 Woods to Wetlands, LLC

Woods to Wetlands, LLC

Streamwood, IL 60107

(224) 642-8708

Copyright 2023 Woods to Wetlands, LLC

Woods to Wetlands, LLC

Streamwood, IL 60107

(224) 642-8708

Copyright 2023 Woods to Wetlands, LLC